But I'll try my best ^^
And I do apologize for any grammar mistake or if I repeat myself a few times :)
To make it, it used 11/0 seed beads (black) and some 7mm twisted bugle beads but 6mm bugles should work as well. I also used some 9/0 seed beads (red lined silver).
As normally, start by picking a needle and thread. I used a size 12 needle and Nymo thread in size D. The reason to why I chose such a thin needle is cause you're going to pass through the beads quite a few times, but I would say that a size 10 also should work, up to you.
And the reason to why I chose a thicker thread is cause the bugle beads have a tendency to shred the thread and cut the whole thing, and yeh... then we'll have a ruined piece. And since you pass through the beads a couple of times, as I mentioned before, you will decrease the chance that that will happen.
Begin with picking up 1 9/0, 1 bugle and another 9/0.
Pick then up 8 11/0 seed beads.
And then again, pick up 1 9/0, 1 bugle, 1 9/0 and 8 11/0's.
This is how your line up of beads should look like.
Slide them down to "almost" the end of the thread, leaving a comfortable length of tail behind.
Then go through all the beads with your needle and thread through the opposite side .
Pull tightly at the thread where your needle is attached and the tail.
At this point you can chose to either leave the tail loose or just tie the thread together in a knot. A simple over-hand knot or a surgeon's knot.
Personally I prefer the surgeon's knot, cause then I know that it will sit there
From there you'll go through the 8 11/0 seed beads with your needle and thread.
Then you also go through the two 9/0's and the bugle. Now this is the pattern; you should always end your unit by coming out from the two 9/0's and the bugle, either from the top or from the bottom.
So now we're moving on to the second unit in our piece. Since we're coming out of the part with the bugle bead, we don't have to thread those beads on again.
Begin the second unit by picking up 8 11/0's, 1 9/0, 1 bugle, 1 9/0 and another 8 11/0's.
Then go through the next 8 11/0 seed beads.
Keep repeating these steps until you have the desired length as you want.
This time; pick up 2 11/0's, 1 9/0, 1 bugle, 1 9/0, 8 11/0's, 1 9/0, 1 bugle, 1 9/0 and another 2 11/0's.
This is where we're going to make that little diamond shape in-between the units. Go back all the way to the beginning of the 8 11/0's that are on the unit you're working with. Then skip the two first, and then go through the four 11/0's - going out of the bead where your thread is coming out.Pull your thread tightly to for the unit.
Now, go through the two 11/0's and the 9/0's and the bugle bead, ending this unit.
Now we're going to begin our second unit in the second row. And like the first row, make sure your thread is ending out of a 9/0 from the part with the bugle bead.
Since we already have two parts of the unit complete, we're going to pick up a different amount of beads.
Begin by picking up 8 11/0's, 1 9/0, 1 bugle, 1 9/0 and 2 11/0's.
Now we're coming to the part that is a little bit different then in the first row.
You begin by passing your needle through the four 11/0's in the middle of the second unit in the first row.
Pull your thread tightly, then pick up 2 11/0's and pass your needle through the 9/0's and the bugle beads and pull tightly.
Then pass your needle through the 8 11/0's and the 9/0's with the bugle bead in the second unit and pull tightly.
From here on you work the rows on. But since your thread is coming out of the bottom of the 9/0's with the bugle, you just pick up the beads and weave in the opposite way of what I just showed you; 2 11/0's, pass your needle through the four 11/0's in the middle of the second unit in the first row. Pick up another 2 11/0's followed by the two 9/0's and the bugle bead, then you pick up another 8 11/0 seed beads and pass your needle through the top of the 9/0's and the bugle of your second unit in the second row (the opposite way of where your thread originally came out from).
Repeat these simple steps until you have the desired length and thickness of what you want, whatever your making a necklace or a bracelet, or maybe even something else :)
I also decided that I might share on how I added the little diamond in between the 9/0's and the bugle at the end of the pieces. This part is where I added the attachment of pearls and little toggles.
Begin by passing your needle through the beads so that you finally manage to get out of the part with the two 9/0's and the bugle bead. Here are some mathematics involved, if you're like me and want to pass through the bead in the same order as you put the units in.
Now you simply pick up five 11/0's and pass your needle through the 9/0's and the bugle bead that are just above the ones you came out of.
And there you have it!
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