I was browsing around some beading blogs again and had took a few looks back at some that I've already seen, and I peaked over at
Operation Tackle That Bead Stash again and noticed that she arrange a monthly challenge that really got me into the mood for applying. Never signed up for something like that before and thought, hey, why not give it a try :P
And those amazing beading fares that I've been reading about and only seen on pictures doesn't seem to be that popular in Belgium. Yeh, moments like that you really wish you lived in the states or in UK ^^;
I've been stacking up on a bunch of blue beads in different shades since the new year, but I haven't really used them for anything until now.

I tend to buy my beads depending on how pretty they look, LOL x)
Well, some girls can't get enough of shiny stuff, specially if it means that you can do something with 'em and touch 'em, hah. I guess I learned what a "beadaholic" is now.

Speaking of which, if you already haven't, you should take a look at
Beadaholique's Webshop, they have a lot of nice supplies. I normally buy some of my stuff from there, specially when it comes to tools and Swarovski crystals. I don't buy from their original store cause I get extra taxes since they're located in U.S and I'm in Europe. So I use their store at Amazon.co.uk since they have a store there as well :)
For my latest piece, this lil' necklace; I used 11/0 seed beads and 9/0 seed beads. I used the russian spiral stitch to make the chain and sculptural peyote stitch to make the pendant. And then I added some embellishments here and there.
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